Our weekly round-up of essential reading for those running and working in Owner Managed Business, Creative agencies and Estate Agencies.

IR35 private sector reforms: Q&A with Pam Phillips

This Q&A session with our own Pamela Phillips on accountingweb.co.uk discusses why employers should be aware of IR35 and what can be done now to start planning for the proposed changes.

Employment Status

Continuing with the IR35 theme, this article in Accountingweb has an employment status matrix put together by the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed (APSE) which is a good starting point for determining employment status: A matrix to solve employment status confusion.

Making Tax Digital

By now you should have heard about Making Tax Digital and may be wondering how it will affect you and your business.

The good news is that Xero will be MTD compliant ready for the VAT deadline of April 2019. If you are not using Xero and are worried about how you are going to file your VAT return next April get in touch and we can help.

Late payments from customers

This article, again in Accountingweb, explains that ‘The only tangible cash supporting Carillion’s profits emanated from a systemic culture of late payments to its suppliers’.

Carillion’s finance directors created ‘corporate time bomb’

If your clients are consistently slow in paying, particularly if they are in the property sector, this should alert you to the possible risk that they are having cashflow problems.

If you are worried about a particular client’s ability to pay, or have large unpaid balances on your aged receivables ledger, we can help advise on, and implement, robust credit control processes in your business.

For the full article, see this page.